Intake of Ewedu leaves during pregnancy can serve as a source of nutrients like folate that facilitate the growth of the fetus, including antioxidants that boost the immune system. Today’s explores the rich benefits of eating Corchorus olitorius leaves, also known as ewedu leaves or jute leaves during pregnancy.
Should I Eat Cooked Or Raw Ewedu Leaves During Pregnancy?
The raw leaves contain higher concentrations of phytochemicals like tannins, which have anti-nutrient properties, this means drinking ewedu leaves smoothies, or eating raw ewedu leaves may lower nutrient absorption. Therefore, eating cooked ewedu leaves is safer for pregnant women as heat may lower the potency of anti-nutrients like tannins [9, 10] found in the leaf research reveals.
Tannins are not bad though, because they have antioxidant properties like scavenging free radicals, but they also can interfere with nutrient absorption, which makes them potential antinutrient agents.
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Benefits Of Eating Jute Leaves During Pregnancy
Here are some ways intake of jute leaves during pregnancy may be beneficial:
1. Intake Supports Baby Development.
According to Food Data Central, Ewedu leaves are rich in nutrients such as zinc, calcium, iron, magnesium, vitamin C, folate, Omega-3 fatty acids, and carotenoids [1, 2].
RELATED: Impressive fertility benefits of Jute leaf (Ewedu leaves)
2. May Help Lower Risk Of Miscarriage
In ethnomedicine, jute leaves have been used to help prevent miscarriage and manage conditions associated with excessive womb contractions [3].
3. Can Help soothe Pain and Reduce Inflammation
Jute leaves contain vitamin E, which may help reduce pain and increase stamina in pregnant women [4]. A study has also shown that Ewedu leaves are a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids which can help against inflammation [5]. In addition to that, it contains antioxidant compounds that fight oxidative stress and inflammation which increase the risk of chronic disease.
4. Help Protect Against Influenza And Colds
Inkae of ewedu leaves may help protect pregnant women from respiratory infections [6]. It contains antioxidants like vitamins C and E which can help strengthen our body’s immunity against infectious disease
5. Promote Digestion
Consuming jute leaves can aid in digestion, which is important during pregnancy [6], as well as boost the metabolism of nutrients so that the baby can get enough nutrients for its growth. It is because it contains vitamin C, Magnesium, and calcium which help the absorption of other nutrients. It may Aid in the reduction of body fat as some sources suggest that jute leaves may help with weight management during pregnancy.
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6. Can Help Reduce swelling and irritation
Pregnant women can testify that swelling and irritation are common among them. Interestingly ewedu leaves have anti-inflammatory properties [7], hence eating the leaves during pregnancy may help reduce swelling and irritation [6].
There is also a popular ancient belief that the intake of leafy vegetables like Ewedu leaves by pregnant women may ease pain during childbirth as it can help dilate the uterus during delivery [8]. However, more evidence is needed for confirmation.
It’s important to note that the efficacy of these leaves during pregnancy is not scientifically proven, and individual results may vary. It’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional before making any dietary changes or taking herbal remedies during pregnancy.
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Side Effects Of Eating Raw Jute Leaves During Pregnancy
Phytochemical analysis of the leaves showed the presence of anti-nutrients like tannins and saponins which may reduce nutrient absorption. Interestingly research shows that heat may lower the anti-nutrient potency of tannins in jute leaves. Therefore the cooked one is better than the raw one.
Some may people prefer making smoothies with Jute leaves where phytochemicals like tannins are high in concentration. To lower the impact of these anti-nutrients, it is recommended that pregnant women should avoid drinking ewedu leaves smoothies, and eat only cooked ewedu leaves during the early stage of pregnancy.
Ewedu leaves is rich folate, a vitamin B that supports the growth of the fetus. Its multiple vitamins A and C can also help boost our immune system and support pregnant women’s immune systems, while calcium and magnesium support healthy bones and teeth. It contains carotenoids with antioxidant characteristics, which help to protect cells from damage, and combat combat radicals. Therefore, eating jute leaves in the early stage of pregnancy may reduce the chance of miscarriage.
JC is passionate about finding the impact of foods (feeding habits) on human fertility and reproductive health and a way to improve fertility.
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