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Impressive fertility benefits of Jute leaf (Ewedu leaves)

fertility benefits of Jute leaf

Speaking of the fertility benefits of Jute (Ewedu) Leaves, it’s a vegetable loaded with zinc, calcium, iron, magnesium, vitamin C, and more that may help to boost fertility in males and females.

You will learn about many more as you go further. Corchorus olitorius is a plant that may be found and grown in several countries, including the Middle East, West Africa, and Southeast Asia. Now, let’s discuss the fertility benefits of Jute leaf which some call Ewedu.

Fertility Benefits Of Jute Leaf

Many don’t just eat Ewedu as an ordinary leaf, but as a fertility-boosting vegetable, here are impressive fertility benefits of jute leaves

Prevents loss of pregnancy

Jute leaf contains about 9 percent of Folate — a B-vitamin group that helps in fetus development, and the functioning of the nervous system. Research shows that folate can help reduce the risk of miscarriages. Also, in traditional medicine, women are advised to consume this vegetable to improve fertility, especially women who are approaching menopause. It is equally helpful to women who experience painful menstruation and may be relieved with the help of these vegetables.

Improves Erection

28grams of raw Jute Leaf contains about 7% of Iron which helps in blood formation and flow toward the male sex organ for stronger erection, it equally helps to improve sperm quality in males and helps to stabilize imbalance hormones in females, especially during the period of premenstrual syndrome — a symptom of discomfort experienced before menstruation that often triggers emotional fluctuations.

Boost sperm quality

Lycopene, a carotenoid with antioxidant properties, is found in jute leaves which help to strengthen the body’s defense against infection that may deter our sexual health, it contributes by making sure that quality spermatozoa are produced

In addition to boosting immunity and shielding bodily cells from harm, lycopene also fights free radicals created as a result of oxidative stress, which speeds up aging. [4]

Balances Hormones

Jute leave extract may help to stabilize imbalance hormones in females due to the presence of important compounds that help women having an irregular menstrual cycle, especially during the period of premenstrual syndrome


Nutritional Value of Jute Leaf

The U.S. Department Of Agriculture in a study by FDC outlined the following vitamin and minerals present in raw Jute leaves


  • Calories
  • Protein
  • Fat
  • Carbs
  • Fiber
  • Vitamin
  • Minerals

Vitamins And Minerals

  1. Calcium 4%
  2. Iron 7%
  3. Magnesium 4%
  4. Potassium 3%
  5. Vitamin C 12%
  6. Riboflavin 12%
  7. Folate 9 %
  8. Vitamin A 9%


Flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins, glycosides, carotenoids, saponins, and steroids

Cooked vs Raw Jute Leaf

Research indicates that vitamins and minerals present in cooked Jute leav0 grams more concentrated than in raw leaves.

Secondly, cooked jute leaves are helpful for digestion because the fiber content is 2 times higher than raw leaves which have about 0 grams of fiber.

Finally, it is equally recommended to eat more cooked jute leaves than raw ones because of the phytochemicals compound which appears to be more concentrated than cooked ones.

Uses Of Jute Leaf (Ewedu)

This wonderful plant can be used for food preparation such as soup, salad, smoothies, and medicine. Each of these uses has its purpose and method, but all is to improve our health and well-being.

Jute Leaves Health Benefits

As I earlier said the nutritional composition of this vegetable is not only for fertility, but it also caters to our overall well-being. Here are other impressive health advantages of this vegetable.

It May help boost brain function

Omega-3 fatty acids are fundamentally important for brain development and to improve brain function. Essential minerals and chemical elements like Omega 3 are found in Jute leaf which helps to enhance brain functions. It aids nerve impulses and alleviates tingling in the nerves. Therefore, consuming it is highly advised for developing youngsters to enhance their cognitive abilities. [3]

Can help alleviate inflammatory pain

Omega-3 fatty acids are found in Jute leaves, as was previously noted, and they can be quite helpful in the battle against inflammation. There are many sources of omega-3 and foods like fatty fish, nuts, and vegetable oils are part of them including Jute leave.

For strong teeth and bone

Jute leaves (Ewedu) are enriched with Calcium and Magnesium which are needed by the body for routine functions, Calcium is equally important for strong bones and teeth while the combination of the two minerals is perfect for maintaining healthy bones.
The majority of the calcium in your body is stored in your bones and teeth, which is another factor contributing to its abundance. A recent study indicates that our bones cannot effectively absorb calcium without magnesium, this shows that magnesium is very important to guard against excessive calcium which may trigger kidney stones. [5]

It May help lower the risk of heart disease.

As an essential mineral found in many vegetables like fluted pumpkin leaves, and jute leaves, Magnesium is a part of chlorophyll and is crucial for the metabolism of calcium in the bones, a study found it helpful to lower the risk of ischemic heart disease.[6]

Helpful in Balancing the body’s Minerals.

To balance another mineral is more crucial. According to research, long-term high calcium consumption and low magnesium intake may cause calcium to be deposited in your blood vessels and kidneys, raising the risk of kidney stones and heart disease. Additionally, because the bones can’t absorb that crucial calcium, a low calcium-to-magnesium ratio may raise your chance of getting osteoporosis. [6, 7]

Keep in mind that vitamin D and vitamin K are two additional essential elements for maintaining bone health, yet neither is listed among the minerals found in jute leaves.[8]

Jute leaves may be enjoyed by including them in stews and soup. As an alternative, you eat them raw by including them in smoothies and salads, which are just as healthful and delectable.


This vegetable known as jute leaves has abundant Zinc, Magnesium minerals that help to boost reproductive health, including vitamins A and C, calcium, and other elements that strengthen the immune system and improve bone health.

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