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6 Impressive benefits of Aiden fruit for fertility, Tea Uses & Side effects on pregnancy


Aiden fruit for fertility

The benefits of Aiden fruit for fertility can not be overstated, it is a known powerful ingredient for making several herbal medicines for the treating fertility-related problems. In this post, I will share the benefits of Aidan fruits for fertility, side effects on pregnancy including other known health benefits of this wonderful fruit.

Benefits Of Aiden Fruit For Fertility

What are the benefits of Aiden fruit for fertility? They are detailed below;

1. Cleanses Fallopian Tube

(Preseke) Aidan fruit herbal water is effective in flushing blood remains out of the fallopian tube after giving birth, Preseke Aidan fruit will be cooked to extract the herbal water, or will be added to watery food given to them for a drink, This will help heal them and make them stronger. Not only beneficial for the mother but newborn babies through breast milk.

2. Improves Menstruation

Aidan fruits herbal water can helps boost ovulation by improving female menstruation by correcting irregular menstrual cycles. Cut 2 sticks of Preseke boil it and drink it morning and night for 3 during your period.

3. Improves Sperm Quality

Aidan fruit help in the production of healthy sex hormones. Study reveals that Aidan fruit contains Zinc, and Manganese an important mineral that helps in the production of healthy sperm cell, and boosts testosterone level.

4. Treats erectile dysfunction

Aidan fruit herbal extracts contain blood-boosting properties due to the presence of Iron — an important mineral that helps in the production of hemoglobin that transports oxygen to various parts of the body. It equally boosts blood circulation toward the male sex organ. The male penis needs proper blood flows to function properly and
this can be achieved with the help of Aidan fruits.

5. Heals Wound Faster

Herbal water extract of preseke (Aidan fruit) is giving to women after childbirth for quick healing, and to prevent harmful microbes from blocking the womb.

Also, Preseke is high in Zinc minerals, which help blood clotting in case of injury and wound healing. This wound-healing property of Aidan also helps women who newly delivered a baby in healing faster.

6. Anti Bacteria effect

The antibacterial and antioxidant properties of Aidan fruit herbal extract is effective against infectious disease detrimental to fertility, by helping remove harmful microbes from the body. Tannins a phytochemicals compound found in Aiden fruit has an antioxidant effect, and also help to protect the body from harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

Aiden Fruit Overview

Aiden fruit (Prekese) with the botanical name “Tetrapleura tetraptera” which belongs to the family of “Fabaceae” is an aromatic fruit popularly used as food spices and traditional African medicine. It’s popularly found in most west African countries like Nigeria and Ghana.

Aiden fruits (Prekese) are not only a good spice for food but, also have several other health benefits.

Aidan Fruit In Igbo (Nigeria)

It is called Ahiriha, Uyayak, Oshosho, Osakirisa, Ubukirihu

Aidan Fruit In Ghana

Ghanaians call it Prekese.

Where To Buy Aidan Fruit.

Aidan Fruit near me? Yes, you can buy it at the local markets where they sell local food ingredients/spices. Or from herbal medicine dealers.

Nutritional value Of Aidan Fruit

Crude Composition of Aiden fruit
› Protein 6.5%
› Sugar 16%
› Starch 18.26 %

Vitamins and Minerals in Aiden fruit (Prekese)

  1. › Iron
  2. › Zinc Mineral
  3. › Sodium
  4. › Copper
  5. › Magnesium
  6. › Calcium
  7. › Potassium

Phytochemicals found in Aiden fruit (Prekese)

  1. › Polyphenol
  2. › Flavonoid
  3. › Saponin
  4. › Tannin
  5. › Phytate
  6. › Manganese

How To Use Aidan Fruit

You have multiple choices when it comes to Aidan fruit (preseke) here are various ways it can be used.

Kitchen Spice

Due to its aromatic flavor and taste, many people prefer using it for delicacies such as Peppersoup, and Banga soup, and wonderful for cooking yarm porridge.

Mosquito Repellent

This fruit produces a powerful aroma like incense that can ward off mosquitoes around you. Cut a little piece of it, break it again into smaller pieces then pour it inside your incense pot and allow it to burn to release its scents.


The fruits produce an aromatic rich taste when brewed as tea, which rejuvenates and improves your mood. Aidan fruit has its natural sweetness hence tea can be prepared without adding sweeteners.

Aidan fruits Tea

Here is a detailed step to prepare the tea.


  1. A stick of Aidan Fruit.
  2. A liter of water.
    Optional ingredients
  3. Few leaves of Lemongrass.
  4. Honey.


  1. Extract the pod (the soft outer part that covers the seed) Cut it into pieces. Optionally, you can a add few leaves of lemongrass to it
  2. Pour it inside a clean small pot, then add a litter of water
  3. Heat it until it boils.
  4. Remove heat then sieve the brownish water extracts into a cup.
    Optionally, Add a few spoons of honey.
  5. You can serve it hot, warm, or iced as you desire.

Aidan fruit Tea Benefits

Detoxify the body system.
Effective for weight loss.
Slows down aging.

  • Blood booster
Aiden fruit is rich in Iron, a mineral that helps in the production of hemoglobin that transports oxygen to various parts of the body.
  • Facilitate wound healing.
Aiden fruit is high in Zinc minerals, which help blood clotting in case of injury and wound healing. It also helps women who newly delivered a baby in healing faster.
  • Remove Harmful Microbes From The Body.
Tannins a phytochemicals compound found in Aiden fruit has an antioxidants effect,
and also help to protect the body from harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi.
  • Inhibit the growth of the cancer cell
The Phytate phytochemicals compound present in Aiden fruit help to slow the growth of cancer and offer protection to the kidneys against kidney stones
  • Lowers Blood cholesterol
Saponin is known for its role in lowering the level of cholesterol and has an anti-mutagenic effect a study shows that Saponin is one of the phytochemicals compounds found in Aiden fruit.

Aidan Fruit For Infection

Aidan fruit benefits of drinking tea or herbal water extracts are proven effective against infectious diseases due to their antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties. It’s fortified with, minerals, vitamins, and phytochemicals that help improve the body’s defense. You can start by drinking tea regularly which is beneficial in several ways.

Side effects on pregnancy

It’s believed in African traditional medicine that Aidan fruits herbal water helps to flush impurities blocking the fallopian tube, and help curb painful menstruation but it’s not safe for pregnant women, especially during the early stage of their pregnancy.

Can pregnant women drink Aidan fruit?

Aidan fruit herbal water may be detrimental to early pregnancy since it can help flush impurities blocking the fallopian tube. It is recommended that pregnant women avoid it during their first three months of pregnancy Aidan fruit herbal water may be harmful in the early stages of pregnancy since it can assist wash out contaminants that are obstructing the fallopian tube. During the first three months of pregnancy, it is advised that pregnant women avoid it.
The benefits of Aiden fruit for fertility include its help in building sex hormones for both males and females, improves ovulation by curbing painful menstruation. However, intake of Aiden fruit tea or extracts should be avoided during early period of pregnancy because of its ability to flush the fallopian tube.

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