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10 Impressive Leafflower health benefits & side effects

“Leafflower” health benefits for men are numerous, but its side effects on pregnancy should not be neglected, that is why I carefully prepare this topic to point out Leafflower health benefits for men, as well as some neglected side effects on Pregnancy. before diving deeper let’s take a look at some basic this you need to know about this plant (Leaf flower or Gale of the wind).

The botanical name of Leafflower (Gale of the wind)

LeafFlower (Gale of the wind) known by the botanical name “Phyllanthus Niruri or Amarus” is a plant that massively exists in coastal areas and belongs to the plant family called “Phyllanthaceae”. To date, no one can boldly tell the real origin, but speculation mentioned countries like Africa and Asia. Research also shows that a large scale of it blossoms in the rainforest of the Amazon. “Phyllanthus” also means “leaf and flower,” or “LeafFlower” because the leaf and flower contain the fruit together.

Leafflower (Gale of the wind)

LeafFlower: Tribe/Country Found, Name Called

  • Spanish — Chanca Piedra
  • Ayurveda — Bhumyamalaki
  • Portuguese —stone breaker
  • Brazil — Quebra Pedra
  • Yoruba — Eyin Globe
  • Ibo, Igbo — Enyikwonwa, and Ngwu
  • Erik — Oyomokeso Amanke Edem
  • Hausa — Geeron-Tsuntsaayee (bird’s millet).

Physical Description of Leafflower.

Phyllanthus niruri known as Gale of the wind, or LeafFlower can grow up to the height of 45 to 75 cm tall of smooth green bark with leafy branches containing several small soft capsules with seeds at the back.

leafflower health benefits

Habitual Characteristics of the gale of the wind

Phyllanthus niruri exist harmoniously with other plant and grows favorably on coastal areas or areas of land with relatively moderate humidity.

Leafflower health benefits

“Gale of the wind” as called by many is of great health importance in the field of traditional (herbal) medicine. It has been used over the years as a treatment for different ailments as explained below.

  • Remedy for kidney stones

It is useful in the treatment of kidney stones. In Portugal, It has earned itself the name “stone breaker” due to its potential effects in eliminating kidney stones. Research also reveals that deposited minerals and crystal salt called “calcium oxalate” that causes kidney stones can be dissolved with the help of “leaf flowers” extract.

  • Treatment of liver disease

Phyllanthus niruri is proven to be an effective remedy for Jaundice and helpful in the treatment of liver-related problems. Research equally reveals that Phyllanthus amarus extracts help to inhibit the growth of the hepatitis B causative virus.

  • Remedy for Indigestion
In the continent of Asia where it is called “Chanca piedra,” it is known for it as a potential medication for digestive difficulties.
  • Useful in Treating malaria
Coming to African countries like Nigeria it is useful in the treatment of malaria, and assists in the healing of physical injuries (wounds) due to its blood clotting ability.[1]
  • Reduces Oxidative Stress
Research shows “Phyllanthus amarus” helps to boost the body antioxidant that fights oxidative stress.
  • Helps to reduce High-Density lipoproteins (HDL)
In a clinical study on Hyperlipemic Rats, extracts from Phyllanthus amarus indicate a reduction in the level of lipid given to the Rats.
  • Helps to reduce high blood pressure
Research reveals that Phyllanthus (Leafflower) plays an important role to improve heart functions by preventing clumping of blood platelet and reducing blood pressure.
  • May help to lower blood sugar.
Research reveals that Phyllanthus amarus (LeafFlower) may help to reduce the blood sugar in diabetic patients— However, this is subject to further study.
  • Several other diseases that can be treated with Phyllanthus amarus
These are well documented in India’s powerful traditional medicine popularly known as “Ayurveda”.
Ayurveda— is a well-known Indian traditional medical system that utilizes a range of medications to ensure fitness and wellbeing.
These diseases include:
  1. Indigestion
  2. Skin disorder
  3. STDs like (syphilis, gonorrhea)
  4. Menstrual disorder
  5. Jaundice
  6. Urinary Tract Infections. [2, 3, 4, 5 ]

Phyllanthus niruri side effects on pregnancy.

Phyllanthus niruri extracts can cause abnormalities in the fetus which may lead to abortion. It is better to avoid it during pregnancy or consult medical expect before intake.

Side effects of taking a supplement containing Phyllanthus niruri extracts.

Currently, the safety of taking medication containing extracts from Phyllanthus niruri is yet to be determined. Therefore, it is wise to be cautious especially when it comes to taking traditional medications or consultations. Here are some possible side effects of taking supplements containing Phyllanthus niruri extracts.
  • Slight Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Stomach ache
  • Diarrhea
  • Toxic when taken excessively and could damage the kidney.

Is Phyllanthus amarus extracts safe for Pregnant women?

No. In many known traditional medicines, Phyllanthus amarus extracts can be used to induce abortion and may cause anomalies in the fetus. Therefore, Pregnant women should avoid it.

Leafflower side effects on pregnancy?

Is leafflower extracts safe when taken as a fertility supplement ? No. It should be avoided, when taking fertility supplements, also there is not enough data on this, but research reveals it lowers fertility in male and female mice.

How To Boil/Cook Phyllanthus Amarus

Local preparation of leafflower for malaria treatment:

  • Cut a fresh bunch of the plants, put them inside a clean bowl with clean water, and wash it. Do not squeeze it while washing.
  • Put all in a clean pot and pour a liter of water and cook it for 18-20 minutes.
  • Keep it down and filter to remove the leaf particles, and put it in a cooler to reduce the hotness.
  • Take a recommended dosage of a cup (75cl) morning, afternoon, and night for three days.

What are Leafflower health benefits?

Phyllanthus is known for its potential effect in popular Indian Ayurvedic medicine used in the traditional treatment of skin diseases, jaundice, irregularities in menstrual cycles, malaria, gonorrhea, few sexually transmitted infections.

Can Phyllanthus lower blood pressure?

Specialists of traditional medication use Phyllanthus niruri as a diuretic. Also, in a study clinical study conducted in 2018 on rodents, it was discovered that Phyllanthus niruri has a diuretic impact in rodents, helping the discharge of sodium in the urine.

Phyllanthus amarus vs Phyllanthus Niruri

Morphologically, they are the same and are used for the same purpose. Phyllanthus amarus is a species from the rainforest of the Amazon while Phyllanthus Niruri is Andean species. But there might be a slight difference in phytochemical composition since they grow in different environments

Bottom Line:
Phyllanthus (Leafflower) plays an important role to improve heart functions by preventing clumping of blood platelets and reducing blood pressure. In Portugal, It has earned itself the name “stone breaker” due to its potential effects in eliminating kidney stones. Research shows it helps to boost the body’s antioxidant that fights oxidative stress. Phyllanthus amarus (LeafFlower) may help to reduce blood sugar in diabetic patients. There are several diseases that can be treated with this plant, some of which are well documented in India’s powerful traditional medicine popularly known as “Ayurveda”. The extract can cause abnormalities in the fetus which may lead to abortion so Pregnant women should avoid it.

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