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Cinnamon and pregnancy: Does it cause miscarriage?

Cinnamon and pregnancy

Can cinnamon cause a miscarriage? No, but excessive intake may increase the risk of liver damage, gastrointestinal problems, and mouth sores due to the presence of coumarin, a compound that may harm the liver [1].

Cinnamon and pregnancy

Exploring Cinnamon and Pregnancy – Its safety during pregnancy is still unclear but excessive intake may be harmful to the liver due to its coumarin content.

This article is on cinnamon and pregnancy, and we will focus more on the potential risks and benefits of consuming cinnamon during pregnancy.

This is because cinnamon and pregnancy is a topic that is often discussed, as there is some uncertainty about the safety of consuming cinnamon during pregnancy.

We will also provide some tips for pregnant women who want to enjoy cinnamon extract safely.

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Risk of taking cinnamon during pregnancy

Although Coumarin and Cinnamaldehyde compound found in cinnamon extract has raised concerns about side effects none of them is directly linked with miscarriages [1, 2]. However, a species of cinnamon known as cassia cinnamon should be avoided as its impact on the uterus may be detrimental to the fetus.

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Some of the side effects of having
Cinnamon during pregnancy is:

  • It may also cause excessive internal heat or heartburn.
  • Pregnant women with prostate problems are advised to avoid cinnamon extract.
  • Excessive intake may increase the risk of liver problems. Hence, pregnant women should stay away from eating cinnamon due to coumarin which has a hepatotoxic toxin [1].
  • Cinnamaldehyde a compound found in cinnamon may cause throat irritation and trigger breathing difficulties [2].

Should pregnant women take Cinnamon supplements?

No, they should incorporate it into their diets instead of taking the supplement. According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, cinnamon supplementation may not be safe during pregnancy as chances of excessive intake are high [4].

Also, cinnamon supplements or pills may contain high concentrations of coumarin, a compound that can cause liver damage and therefore, they should avoid the supplement during pregnancy.

Benefits of having cinnamon during pregnancy

Cinnamon tea is generally safe to drink in moderation during pregnancy. It has several potential benefits, such as:

  • Regulating blood sugar levels.

Cinnamon extract has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity, which can help regulate blood sugar levels in people with diabetes or gestational diabetes [5]. This is especially important during pregnancy, as high blood sugar levels can increase the risk of complications for both mother and baby.

Investigative research carried out on 60 patients with diabetes noted a significant reduction in fasting blood sugar levels, sequel to their intake of about 1 to 6g of cinnamon every day for 40 [3].

However, consuming cinnamon like that for long periods has not been studied to discover its impact.

  • Reducing inflammation.

Cinnamon extract is an anti-inflammatory agent, which can help to reduce inflammation throughout the body. This can be seen in several pregnant women, as inflammation has been linked to several pregnancy complications, such as preterm birth and preeclampsia.

  • Boosting the immune system.

Cinnamon extract can help to boost the immune system, which can help to protect pregnant women from infection. This is especially important during the third trimester when the immune system is naturally weakened.

  • Relieving nausea and vomiting.

Cinnamon can help to relieve nausea and vomiting, which are common symptoms of pregnancy.

  • Promoting good digestion.

Cinnamon can help to promote good digestion, which can help to prevent constipation, a common problem during pregnancy.

However, it is important to note that cinnamon should not be consumed in large quantities during pregnancy. Too much cinnamon can cause side effects such as diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. It is also important to choose Ceylon cinnamon, which is considered to be safer than cassia cinnamon.

Recipe for cinnamon tea during pregnancy

Here is a recipe for cinnamon tea:

Cinnamon extract


  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 cup water


  1. Bring the water to a boil.
  2. Add the cinnamon and stir to combine.
  3. Remove from heat and let steep for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Strain and enjoy.

You can also add honey or lemon to your cinnamon tea to taste.

Final thought

Drinking cinnamon tea or incorporating it into diets is generally safe for pregnant women in small amounts, as it can help:
Lower the risk of gestational diabetes
Reduce high blood pressure,
Lower the feeling of nausea and vomiting
Improve digestion
Boost immune response

However, excessive consumption of cinnamon can increase the risk of miscarriage or preterm labor. but no scientific evidence or study has linked cinnamon tea with miscarriage.

If you are pregnant and considering drinking cinnamon tea, it is best to talk to your doctor first. They can help you determine if cinnamon is safe for you and can give you specific instructions on how much to consume.

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