Using avocado oil for skin and hair treatments can be beneficial in several ways, and may help in preventing the effect of free radicals that causes premature aging. It provides all the necessary nutrients for healthy hair growth and skin nourishment.
The benefits of using avocado oil for skin and hair treatment, how to apply it for better results, benefits, and side effect forms the basis of this post. let us consider how homemade avocado oil works.
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Homemade Avocado Oil
Wondering how to make avocado oil at home here are simple steps.
- Gather the number of avocados you want and slice them into equal to half remove the seed.
- Use a clean spoon to extract the pulp into a clean bowl.
- Use a spatula to stir the extracted pulp until it turns into a paste.
- Turn the paste into the clean frying pan and heat up.
- Continuously stir until the oil starts coming out.
- Remove the heat and pour it into the filter to drain out the oil.
Avocado Oil for skin (Benefits)
Applying avocado oil for skin treatment could help solve many skin conditions. Below are the benefits;
1. Protect the skin from oxidative stress
Avocado oil offers a lasting solution to the impact of oxidative stress that release free radicals which kills skin cell and cause shrinking and wrinkles.
The abundance of vitamins E and A can improve skin health. Avocado oil is full of minerals and fatty acids that may be good for your skin membranes [1]
2. Facilitate wound healing
Healthy fatty acids found in avocado oil have healing and regenerating effects on the skin.
Study indicates that wound healing properties of Avocado oil may be attributed
to linoleic acid, oleic acid, and other vital monosaturated fatty acids that may help hasten its healing effect.
It also provides powerful ingredients to the Skin while calming it. Its antibacterial effect is beneficial and may help soothes mild skin irritations, helpful for people with sensitive and scaly skin. [2]
3. May help treat psoriasis
After 12 weeks of therapy, a cream with avocado oil (20%) and vitamin B12 was proven to relieve the symptoms of plaque psoriasis in one trial of 24 patients [3].
The use of avocado oil for the treatment of psoriasis has also been supported by other human and animal research [4]
How To Apply Avocado Oil for skin treatment
Apply After baths
Avocado provides will provide enough moisture for your chapped skin. Simply apply a few drops of avocado oil to one of your regular body lotions.
You can equally apply it naturally on its own after taking a shower, apply a generous amount of avocado oil to your skin, and massage it evenly.
Add it to your in-shower lotion
Avocado oil for skincare is awesome with no negative effects you can use it anyhow. Add the oil to your in-shower lotion, and give the skin a thorough massage.
Apply as a face oil
Using this oil daily can improve your skin appearance pour a small quantity into your palm, and use it to massage your face. The oil is especially useful for moisturizing hands and can make your skin and face smoother.
You no longer need a specialist for skin treatment. Avocado oil offers a wide range of benefits when we use it to care for our skin such as rejuvenating dead cells, preventing the activities of oxidative stress, and treating several skin conditions. Add it to your food, and use it to massage your skin anytime, including after a bath.
Avocado Oil for hair
Looking for a way to make your hair grow thick and long and dark? Try Avocado oil, It has a rich nutritional composition that will help nourish your hair.
It contains healthy fatty acids with powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, including the essential minerals to improve your skin and hair quality and texture.
Avocado Oil for Hair Benefits
Here are the benefits of avocado oil for hair treatment.
Prevents Hair Breakage
Avocado oil can improve your hair texture and structure. It can moisturize, repair, and strengthen your hair.
The cuticle cells are one of the body cells that prevent hair breakage. A study Avocado oil contains healthy fatty acids that nourish body cells [5] and prevent your hair from breaking. [6]
Could Make your hair grow thicker and fuller
A study suggests that avocado oil, combined with other essential oil like lavender and peppermint oil may stimulate
boost the growth of new hair strands.
How To Apply Avocado Oil for Hair Growth
- To use these three oil together, Get a little clean container and add about 30ml of avocado oil.
- On peppermint or lavender oil add 5 drops.
- Then use your Index finger and stir it until it is mixed properly.
- Apply the mix as hair cream. You can choose to wash it out after a long time or leave it. No side effects.
How To Apply Avocado Oil for Hair Treatment
Apply as a Hair conditioner
Apply avocado oil evenly through the ends of damp hair, using a nickel-sized quantity. You may also use it once your hair has dried. Avoid using heat on your hair until the oil is dried.
Apply as Anti Hair Breakage
To prevent breakage and split ends, massage avocado oil into the ends of your hair. Avoid over-greasing your ends by using the oil lightly.
Using Avocado oil in treating your hair leaves you with many benefits. Make your hair grow fuller darker and shiny. It will be more beneficial if you can add it to your food, or even eat the fruit to get all the vital nutrients to support your skin and hair and general well-being.
Avocado Oil For Food
If you are fond of eating avocado, you will testify to how rich and peculiar it is compared to other fruits.
Unlike some fruits, avocado is a good source of healthy fats and oil. Due to the high-quality nature of the oil, it’s often mistaken as olive oil.
It serves many purposes, such as cooking oil, essential for massage, skin, and hair treatment.
It is a rich source of antioxidants and healthy fat, oil, vitamins, and minerals that is advantageous to health.
How To Use Avocado Oil For Food
The fruitcake is eaten as food alone or combined with bread or white rice. Intake of at least one Avocado per week can nourish your Skin and Hair.
Use as cooking oil.
Add Avocado Oil regularly to your meals such as Salad, vegetable sauce, and stew. [7]
- Use it as baking oil. Add it as ingredients for making bread, and cakes.
- For marinating meat. Marinating is a way of preparing meats by soaking them in a liquid seasoned with ingredients before cooking.
- Use it to prepare smoothies. You can add I tablespoon of avocado oil to your Cold soup, smoothie, or Hummus as you prepare them.
Hummus is a savory food made by blending cooked, mashed chickpeas with tahini, lemon juice, garlic, parsley, paprika, and olive oil which can be replaced by avocado oil.
Avocado oil is simple to use and versatile. It tastes fantastic cooked, grilled, or baked, and you can add it cold to salads or smoothies.
Avocado Oil Benefits
Here are the health benefits of consuming avocado oil.
Source Of Antioxidants
Antioxidants are important for our daily life to live healthily. It can neutralize the effects of free radicals by lending them an electron, to reduce their damaging impact.
[8, 9]
Antioxidants aid in the fight against oxidative stress that contributes to weak immunity, it is a source of unstable substances that can cause long-term cell damage.
An imbalance can result in oxidative stress, which has been linked to diseases including cancer, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease [10, 11]
Some Free radicals that fight illness, such as carotenoids, tocopherols, and plant sterols, are abundant in avocado oil.
Your chance of developing chronic diseases can be lowered by eating foods high in antioxidants, such as avocado oil.
Improves Heart Function
Several studies have confirmed the presence of vital fatty acids such as monounsaturated omega-9 fatty acid, and oleic acid which promote a healthy and functional heart. [12, 13]. Avoid these foods that contain unhealthy oils, they may increase the risk of heart conditions.
This fatty acid, which is also the primary ingredient in olive oil, is thought to have a role in some of the health advantages of the oil. Additionally, 13% of avocado oil contains polyunsaturated fat and 12% of avocado oil is saturated fat [14, 15].
The majority of evidence indicates that eating a diet high in unsaturated fats is healthy and may lower the chance of developing chronic illnesses like heart disease and dementia [14, 15].
Improves vision
Avocado oil is rich in antioxidants such as lutein, a powerful carotenoid that can help enhance vision. [16]
Another important carotenoid called zeaxanthin is present abundantly in avocado oil which contributes to healthy vision.
These antioxidants may also help the lowering the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration, which are the key factors for age-related eye illnesses. They are both important for a healthy vision, [17, 18].
Naturally, our body can not produce lutein, with the regular intake of avocado or its oil we will get the required lutein compound that can effectively improve our eye health.
Facilitates Nutrients absorption
To improve your absorption of nutrients, you may add avocado oil or any other healthy fat to your food.
There are important vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E, and K that fat to be absorbed [20]. The intake of oil such as avocado can be efficient.
Also without fat, it may be difficult to absorb some compounds such as carotenoids including beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein, and zeaxanthin.
Another related study indicates that health oils such as olive oil, avocado oil, and other healthy ones may enhance the bioavailability of nutrients such as carotenoids.[21, 22]
Lowers Cholesterol And Strengthens The Heart
Unsaturated fatty acids, which are associated with better heart health, are abundant in avocado oil [9].
A study revealed that meals rich in avocado oil may considerably lower triglyceride, total and LDL (bad) cholesterol, inflammatory cytokines, and blood sugar levels [11].
Could reduce arthritis pain
Painful joint inflammation is a frequent symptom of arthritis, which is a highly prevalent condition. Numerous people over the world are impacted by it [26].
Even though there are other varieties of arthritis, osteoarthritis, which is linked to the deterioration of joint cartilage, is the most prevalent form [27, 28].
According to research, soybean and avocado oil extracts combined may lessen osteoarthritis-related pain and stiffness [29, 30, 31].
According to a few studies on both humans and animals, avocado oil may improve heart health by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels and may be combined with soybean oil extracts, which may be effective in reducing pain in people with hip and knee osteoarthritis.
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